Sunday, January 29, 2006

some of my life secrets

حييت ذكري قديمة بأيامي
حسبت إن الوقت قادر ينسيها
ردتلي من ثاني، وأشرقت شمسها بآمالي
بعد ما غاب عنّي ما بقى فيها
كل ما بقيت أنساك وأنسى الليالي
اللي علي البال دايم تجيلي طواريها
نسيت و ذكرتك،وذكرت عبراتي
اللي من القلب قبل العين تبدا مجاريها
هقيت فى لحظة انني نسيتك،أنطوت صفحة من ماضي
أثر الهوا متمكن بروحي ما قدر القلب يخفيها
لو سمحتوا أدري إن فيها أخطاء وايد ، بس كنت بوريكم بعض من أسرار الطفولة
لو سمحتواحقوق الطبع محفوظة

Saturday, January 28, 2006


الأماكن كلها مشتاقة لك
والعيون اللي انرسم فيها خيالك
والحنين سرى بروحي وجالك
ما هو بس أنا حبيبي
الأماكن كلها مشتاقة لك
كل شيء حولي يذكرني بشي
حتى صوتي وضحكتي
لك فيها شي
لو تغيب الدنيا عمرك ما تغيب
شوف حالي من تطري علي
المشاعر في غيابك
ذاب فيها ألف صوت
والليالي من عذابك
عذبت فيني السكوت
وصرت خايف لا تجيني
لحظة يذبل فيها قلبي
وكل اوراقي تموت
آه لو تدري حبيبي
كيف ايامي بدونك
تسرق العمر وتفوت
الأمان وين الامان
وأنا قلبي من رحلت
ماعرف طعم الأمان
وليه كل ما جيت أسأل
اسمع الماضي يقول
ما هو بس انا حبيبي
الأماكن كلها مشتاقة لك
الاماكن اللي مريت انت فيها
عايشة بروحي وابيها
بس لكن ما لقيتك
جيت قبل العطر يبرد
قبل حتى يذوب في صمتي الكلام
كنت اظن الريح جابت عطرك
يسلم علي
كنت أظن الشوق جابك
تجلس بـ جنبي شوي
كنت وكنت أظن وخاب ظني
ما بقى بالعمر شي واحتريتك
ما هو بس انا حبيبي
الأماكن كلها مشتاقة لك

Friday, January 27, 2006

Sudoku game

Lately I have been starting a new game for the brain, it called (Sudoku).
This game is not math – it has a unique solution that can be reached logically without guessing.

How can you play it?

- Fill in the grid so that every row,every column, and every 3x3 boxcontains the digits 1 through 9.

It's fun. It's challenging. It's addictive!

Some useful sits to help you understand the game.

play it online

you can easy find it at jarer bookshop ( 1,500 KD ).

see what they said about this game :

Why That Sudoku Puzzle Just May Save Your Life

"When brain cells are highly stimulated, many unused genes are suddenly reactivated. We have found that a group of these genes can make the active brain cells far healthier than lazy, inactive cells, and more likely to live a long life," said researcher Giles Hardingham.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Revelation of the second wife have been started!

Dear ladies,

What happening lately in my blog to give a summary about it - is to get our humanity rights from men, to listen to us, respects our needs …est.

And it has been some ideas that like it , other said use stick ( kheezarana ).

Lately! I saw this morning and I was shocked with my very close friend


asking for a 2nd wife! ambeeeeeeeeeeh!

Check and replay ,,, do you think NOW the family will go smoothly with all theses busy day for a 2nd wife!

Pleas ( MAN) you work hard with your first THEN get the 2nd ana rathya!

Kuwaiti men 1 wife and they cant deal with her , hannoba 2 wives! !

I have no comments on this :(

Hagetik weyana ya MishaRi

p.s ( don’t you girls observe that they have this devil ideas on weekends?! )

For the sweetest lawyer:

since you have been with me lately with all the men woman war!

you will be like ( hahahahaha) when you check this out!

it's an interview On CNBC


this is link! ==> part 2

it's like CBNC's reading my posts!


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

First lady!

المصدر : جريدة السياسة - بتاريخ 25 يناير 2006
الصفحة الأولى علي ايدك اليسار أول ما تدخل

Sunday, January 22, 2006



إغضبْ كما تشاءُ..

واجرحْ أحاسيسي كما تشاءُ

حطّم أواني الزّهرِ والمرايا

هدّدْ بحبِّ امرأةٍ سوايا..

فكلُّ ما تفعلهُ سواءُ..

كلُّ ما تقولهُ سواءُ..

فأنتَ كالأطفالِ يا حبيبي

نحبّهمْ.. مهما لنا أساؤوا..


فأنتَ رائعٌ حقاً متى تثورُ


فلولا الموجُ ما تكوَّنت بحورُ..

كنْ عاصفاً.. كُنْ ممطراً..

فإنَّ قلبي دائماً غفورُ


فلنْ أجيبَ بالتحدّي

فأنتَ طفلٌ عابثٌ..

يملؤهُ الغرورُ..

وكيفَ من صغارها..

تنتقمُ الطيورُ؟


إذا يوماً مللتَ منّي..

واتهمِ الأقدارَ واتّهمني..

أما أنا فإني..

سأكتفي بدمعي وحزني..

فالصمتُ كبرياءُ

والحزنُ كبرياءُ


إذا أتعبكَ البقاءُ..

فالأرضُ فيها العطرُ والنساءُ..

وعندما تحتاجُ كالطفلِ إلى حناني..

فعُدْ إلى قلبي متى تشاءُ..

فأنتَ في حياتيَ الهواءُ..

وأنتَ.. عندي الأرضُ والسماءُ..

إغضبْ كما تشاءُ

واذهبْ كما تشاءُ

واذهبْ.. متى تشاءُ

لا بدَّ أن تعودَ ذاتَ يومٍ

وقد عرفتَ ما هوَ الوفاءُ...

نزار قباني

alwatan news paper!

alwatan news paper , page :39 - date: 21-01-2006
i remove the writter name coz i guess it's not hi/her folt!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

جورج برنارد شو

يكفي المرأة رجل واحد لتفهم جميع الرجال
ولكن لا يكفي الرجل مئات النساء حتي يفهم امرأة واحدة

Thursday, January 19, 2006

ليلة خميس


فقاقيع من الصابون والوحل
فمازالت بداخلنا
"رواسب من " أبي جهل
نعيش بمنطق المفتاح والقفل
نلف نساءنا بالقطن
ندفنهن في الرمل
ونملكهن كالسجاد
كالأبقار في الحقل
ونهذا من قوارير
بلا دين ولا عقل
ونرجع أخر الليل
نمارس حقنا الزوجي كالثيران والخيل
نمارسه خلال دقائق خمسه
بلا شوق ... ولا ذوق
ولا ميل
نمارسه .. كالات
تؤدي الفعل للفعل
ونرقد بعدها موتى
ونتركهن وسط النار
وسط الطين والوحل
قتيلات بلا قتل
بنصف الدرب نتركهن
يا لفظاظة الخيل
قضينا العمر في المخدع
وجيش حريمنا معنا
وصك زواجنا معنا
وقلنا : الله قد شرع
ليالينا موزعه
على زوجاتنا الأربعه
هنا شفه
هنا ساق
هنا ظفر
هنا إصبع
كأن الدين حانوت
فتحناه لكي نشبع
تمتعنا " بما أيماننا ملكت "
وعشنا من غرائزنا بمستنقع
وزورنا كلام الله
بالشكل الذي ينفع
ولم نخجل بما نصنع
عبثنا في قداسته
نسينا نبل غايته
ولم نذكر
سوى المضجع
ولم نأخذ سوى
زوجاتنا الأربع

نزار قباني

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

they should give him a nobel price!

تناسى البعض أن الكويت هي التي أنقذت عرفات من براثن النظام الأردني المدعوم من إسرائيل في 1970، وتناسوا تبني الكويت للثورة الفلسطينية ومليارات الدولارات التي قدمتها الكويت للفلسطينيين، وتناسوا قتال الشيخ فهد الأحمد للعدو الإسرائيلي بالقدس ولم يتمكنوا من قتله بينما قتله العربي صدام، وتناسوا السفارات الإسرائيلية في الأردن ومصر وغيرها، وتناسوا رفض جابر للحماية الأمريكية في الثمانينيات لإيمانه بالسيادة العربية بالرغم من تعرض الكويت للتفجيرات والقصف الإيراني، وتناسوا مواقف 9 دول عربية من عدم استنكار الغزو العراقي، وتناسوا تدافع عرفات لتقبيل يد زوجة رابين والمسابقة اليومية بين الفلسطينيين لنيل رضا الإسرائيليين، لكن لن ينساه ملايين الفقراء في آسام والفلبين وكشمير والصين وأفريقيا والعالم، وأقل ما يقال عنه أن يديه لم تلطخا بدم مواطن كويتي واحد بينما جميع الأنظمة العربية التقدمية الوطنية القومية الاشتراكية البعثية العبثية قامت بنفي من لم يقم بالتغني بعظمة القائد الفارس الملهم المناضل حامي الحمى إلى ما وراء الشمس!

علي العوضي - دبي

i just loved what this man said, i dont know him , i saw his comment on this link : BBC

i cant really imagin how a non kuwaiti peapls , never been here in kuwait and live outside the arab country and they say what they said!

how they can say such words to a person they dont really know , or even smell his land , and , what should i say , i think they are out of the coverage area! If they have a coverage area, they know it after then went to the state or UK .

God bless every one tell the truth about who is the kuwaiti ( and our price - may he rest in peace - one of us he is a kuwaiti ) .

but you know , the father who let us know what does helping ppls meant to us , and how we remember to stay in the morning at out school lines to give the poor ppls some clothes , or money , or a school bag .

he was the first man who send any first AID for the ppls out side with his money , and he write on it ( A Gift from the kuwaiti ppls to the - what ever the country is - )

he teached us somthing .......

God give us money to help peaple , the money is not 100% for us .

God bless him

you just never know the value of a man unless you lost him .
he is our heart - we will never forget you - you cant cover the sun with a black paper :)
i hop shekh jaber is seeing my blog - i guess we didnt give him what he deserve wail he is a life.
my his soul see how much the kuwaiti love you and pray for you :)

thank you for every human who said the truth about him , ed3oola bel ra7ma welmaghfera .
they said if a son pray to his father ( yad3eela ) it will be a light inside his grave , to remove the scareness of the after life darkness. i hop we are all his sons and daughters and we will pray for him so his after life will be full with shine and he wont be alone .
he will listen to us , i believe in that , and we know he will be2amr allah , so pleas ed3aw 7ag hal rayyal el tayyeb :)
you did your best , and we really love our life in kuwait , we miss kuwait if we are outside , coz you made kuwait haven for us :)

shay yefashel!

Something happened during the ceremony of the amir funeral , a 3 airplanes came from the kingdom of the Saudi Arabia , each one contain at least 50 members of the royal families, guess what!
At the airport they only send 23 cars for the 3 airplanes!
Witch let most of the members stayed inside the airpalnes and waited to the big leaders to come back!

The Q goes here now…. Where is all these cars at aldewan al-ameery!

i know no one will see this , but thank you to the all who came to us .

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

some words

Since I opened my eyes I always ask mom, why I have a father and I cant see him (I was asking about baba jabeer, I use to keep his picture inside my room and I just love the way his face smiles at me, I use to remember, our books with his picture on , and I use to fight with the girls who drew an extra lines on his face !

We don’t know, as we are kids why we love this person, and we don’t know why we call him father!

I guess we realize NOW how did he effect our parents, coz this person did not do anything bad to his peoples he rules.

we was a father more than a price, his house is so simple, you can’t even imagine that a prince lived in this house, he use to drive his tiny car I remember it! It was red small one, even my mother told me that SEE! BABY JABER BEHIND US!

And I can’t remove this image from my head when he wave hi to me with my big smile on my face! I was 7 years old!

I remember my grandfather how he use to talk about him, and how he is so simple man and how he go to his friends since they wear in school.

I wish I could remember more about HH the human not the price.

Every leader in the world got a second home , but this man believes that his first and second and third home is KUWAIT.

He only traveled if he got a business trip related to the country issued.

I guess (Allah seb7ana wata3ala) he know about his heart, and how much Kuwait means to him, this is why Iraq get out from Kuwait in only 7 months J.

It’s a blessing to have a father and a leader like him .
may his soul rest in peace.

Monday, January 16, 2006


My fellow Kuwaiti sisters and brothers, as many of you may already know of the biased slander being spread on about our beloved Amir. We are a strong and supportive state and should reply back against the remarks being said. I urge all of you to join the site and send your comments and support . Just click on the inhumane article written about our Amir under Middle East News. God Bless You ALL! Please forward to all you know.

i got this sms today , and i went to the site to check , but i have no clue about what is going on!
can anyone tell me what this aljazeera want from us?

i opend the arabic site= nothing bad i found!
i opend the english site = their is no such link about middle eat!
do they remove it or what?

Sunday, January 15, 2006

وفاة بابا جابر

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
يا ايتها النفس المطمئنة ارجعي الى ربك راضية مرضية فأدخلي في عـبادي وادخلي جنتي
صدق الله العـظيم
إنا لله وإنا اليه راجعون

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Starbucks Economics

Starbucks Economics

Solving the mystery of the elusive "short" cappuccino.
By Tim Harford.

Here's a little secret that Starbucks doesn't want you to know: They will serve you a better, stronger cappuccino if you want one, and they will charge you less for it. Ask for it in any Starbucks and the barista will comply without batting an eye. The puzzle is to work out why.

The drink in question is the elusive "short cappuccino"—at 8 ounces, a third smaller than the smallest size on the official menu, the "tall," and dwarfed by what Starbucks calls the "customer-preferred" size, the "Venti," which weighs in at 20 ounces and more than 200 calories before you add the sugar.

The short cappuccino has the same amount of espresso as the 12-ounce tall, meaning a bolder coffee taste, and also a better one. The World Barista Championship rules, for example, define a traditional cappuccino as a "five- to six-ounce beverage." This is also the size of cappuccino served by many continental cafés. Within reason, the shorter the cappuccino, the better.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Diamond heart

something I always say it :

my heart is like a diamond , it will only break by a diamond heart , since it will break , it will never heal .

coz a real diamond never break twice.

how true you see this?

Friday, January 06, 2006

a Gift from my daughter

Yesterday my daughter did for me and her dad an art craft, i would like you to give me your opinion on it , she will read it later on :)

the first heart :

Dear Mom,

I love you, you are like my sister,

Your are Cool

Love almaha

The second heart :

My poem

Fly like ladybugs in the ski.

flying from place to place.

Love almaha

Thursday, January 05, 2006

1 hour walking with 2 of me talking inside

Yesterday the weather is Kuwait at night was very nice, after a long time sitting in the house because I was taking care of something sweet in my life, I said I would like to have a walk for 1 hour to remove the stress and have the energy to continue with my life.

What did I discover wail I am walking alone: I was talking to my self :/

1- You always need to think again about what you really want from your life.
2- You have to set a plan with a target after knowing your top 10 things you want to do them this year.
3- You have to believe in your self and discover new things has been hidden for a long time.
4- What you learn about in life is for your self; they don’t need to know (the world) that you have such information.
5- You have to deal with what you have. (Carrier – money – love).
6- You have to know the life is not perfect, and the perfection in our self does not exist.
7- You can’t control the entire house with 1 hand. (Your not wonder woman).
8- You will never be perfect in everything you do.
9- Life is not easy; you have to work hard to see the improvement.
10-Does the woman inside the house, got all the load to bring all the love and happiness inside the house?
11-Shall I think to much to really fix my life for a better, to give it some action .
12-Do I have time to love after all this mess in my life?
13-Does a woman (me!) really miss her pation of love by dealing with the daily rotten of life?
14-Last thing! I love you all ( coz I like to End with number 4 ! )

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

smile :)

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will.

You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts.
You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by.

So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt.

Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts.

Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.

Monday, January 02, 2006

a boy and a girl

A girl asked a boy if she was pretty.
He said no.
She asked him if he wanted to be with her forever.
He said no.
She then asked him if he would cry if she walked away.
He again said no.
She had heard too much.
She needed to leave.

As she walked away, he grabbed her arm and told her to stay, he said,
"You're not pretty, you're beautiful. I don't want to be with you forever, I need to be with you forever. I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would die."

Sunday, January 01, 2006

HappY NeW Year

H ours of happy times with friends and family
A bundant time for relaxation
P rosperity
P lenty of love when you need it the most
Y outhful excitement at lifes simple pleasures

N ights of restful slumber (you know - dont' worry be happy)
E verything you need
W ishing you love and light

Y ears and years of good health
E njoyment and mirth
A angels to watch over you
R embrances of a happy years!