Saturday, August 06, 2005

Since last post I got a hit for my subject about “temperature”, it’s really being a high temp in my blog and I was very happy as will! I didn’t know that my picture would give to much arguing,

As a woman, anything we do is being criticized by men, (Not All) but always what we say specially about make up or style, showing us like we have a small brain, but in life and when I went to work, I notes something, even men are not always talking about politics like we always think they do, there is 2 mainly subject they always want to talk about it.

*Money issue:

1st, if he is a single (how he can save money with out the helping of his dad coz he is a man!)
2nd, if he is a married (how can he give a secure life to his wife and his kids!)

*Complaining all the time about the work!

1st, if he is a single (he always want to change his work so he can get more money “ring a bell!”)
2nd, if he is a married (he wish to change it but he can’t coz of his family)

at the end ,

Men know that women are an over-match for them, and therefore they choose the weakest or most ignorant. If they did not think so, they never could be afraid of women knowing as much as themselves.

i hop my english now will satisfy you ;)


الجاحظ said...

Perfect :) regardless of some spelling mistakes such as I notes instead of i notice .. but overall it seems fine .. a9la7 akon english instructor ?! mo ? just kidding as u pointed out erlaier my english isn't that good .. keep up the good work ;P

N85 said...

Ya 7bi lena bas ( Men) ..

Яeema said...

for naif :

eee ya 7elokoom , ma negdar nestaghna 3ankoom , ma etshofonna mesta7melenkoom ,
yalla lena allah :)

Яeema said...

الموضوع ليس له علاقةبالسخف و إنما التذمر من المواضيع التي تحتاج الى عمل و جد،بالنسبة للرجال في الوقت الحالي تجدهم يتذمرون أكثر من أن يفعلوا شيئا صراحتاَ ما الوم كل من يفكر بمستقبله سواء على الصعيد المهني أو الأسري بالنسبة لي هذا هو هاجسي الأول و هو كيف أن أثبت نفسي بالعمل و ارضاء ربي في عملي و قد لا أتذمر بالطريقة التي أراها بالنسبة للطرف الاخر
ليس تحاملا علي الرجال و انما انتقاد تصرف

و لك منى أحلا تحية