Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Quote of the Moment
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
-I’ve heard you say that people should spend some “quiet time,” and, if they do, it can reduce the stress in their lives. Assuming we can find twenty or thirty minutes in a day, what do you suggest we do?
There are 1,440 minutes in day. Studies show that most of us watch a ton of television and engage in other mindless activities. My first suggestion is to be really honest about how much time you can create, if you really, really wanted to. Then, assuming you have twenty, thirty, forty, or however many minutes (even if it’s less), I would suggest you spend it in absolute silence. While in silence, you can do any number of things, and it doesn’t always have to be the same. To me, the three most important things I do during the course of a day are meditation, reading and some form of yoga or gentle stretching. Even ten minutes of quiet meditation makes my entire day more peaceful. And, if I can read for fifteen or twenty minutes, even if it’s not all at the same time, I love it as it feeds my soul. I love to read spiritual books that calm my spirit. And, stretching or yoga (I’m an absolute beginner), relaxes my body and makes me feel relaxed. If there is some way to get some exercise in as well, then my day is a complete blessing. Finally, I spend at least a minute or two reflecting on aspects of life to be grateful about. These are some of the things that work well for me, but I would suggest anything that makes you feel more peaceful and loving.
by Richard Carlson
Sunday, August 28, 2005
سوف أتوقف لفترة قصيرة
Saturday, August 20, 2005
وقفة مع النفس
كم هو جميل الشعور بالتواضع والادراك لما ننعم به من معطيات في هذة الدنيا ،وأن ما نراه و نشعر به لم يمسح من هذا الشريط المتواصل .فأجعل من نفسك سببا لسعادة من حولك
Friday, August 19, 2005
fall -winter make-up from MAC
Icons are hardly shrinking lilies. Their colour choices hit classic chords: black eyes against red lips, silvered lids against juiced-up lips. For the eyes: Patina, Carbon and Electra Eye Shadow; Smolder Eye Kohl, and All Black Fibre Rich Lash. For the cheeks: Mocha Powder Blush. For the lips: Cherry Lip Pencil. Ruby Woo Lipstick, and Dewy Jube Lipgelée.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Must Have This Winter
since i am a style addict!
these days my post will be 100% for the girls
and what you will need this winter, like they say ( must have! )
first of all lemmy talk about the colors and the fabrics
VelVet VelVet VelVet
purple, pink , Red , black , Green ( dark ) , brown , blue ( my favorite)
every day i will talk about 1 thing a time :)
so you will not be confused, and if you need girls something special or where to get
the look for the less!
tell me and i can do it here and we will have a lot of fun shopping RIGHT
MINi ManGo
Monday, August 15, 2005
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Friday, August 12, 2005
هجوم الأفكار
قد يتساءل البعض ما هي المشكلة؟
إن المشكلة تكمن في تبادل الحديث بين إمرأة و اخري،دائما الهجوم أو سوء الفهم يفسر بأنه غرور أو تعالي من الطرف الآخر، فحين ندخل في موضوع ما يكون فيه عادتاً مناقشات تحتاج اي حسم و لكن بطبيعت المرأة نجدها دائما تأخذ قشور الموضوع و تنسج من خيالها الواسع قصة ليس لها أساس من الصحة.
أتساءل أحيانا! هل هذا ما أستطاع عقلها الوصول اليه؟ بمجرد أنني فلانا؟
في بعض الأحيان و لا أخفي عليكن تأتيني انتقادات من أشخاص لم أجلس معهم ، فبنظرة استطاعو تقييمي ( ما شاء الله عليهم) – لا أستطيع دائما أن أدخل في قلب كل واحد لأعرف ما هو الشعور الداخلي الذي يحتفظ فيه اتجاهي.
و لكن للأسف الزمن دائما يغير من هم في محيطي ولكنة لم يستطع تغييري، فهذا أنا و أعوذ بالله من كلمة أنا – إنسانة بسيطة جداً بأفكاري و حنونة بقلبي و لكن فيني عيب واحد – لم يستطع أحد أن يفهمني .
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
من روائع عبادي الجوهر
women or men stuff
Sunday, August 07, 2005
المال والبنون
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Since last post I got a hit for my subject about “temperature”, it’s really being a high temp in my blog and I was very happy as will! I didn’t know that my picture would give to much arguing,
As a woman, anything we do is being criticized by men, (Not All) but always what we say specially about make up or style, showing us like we have a small brain, but in life and when I went to work, I notes something, even men are not always talking about politics like we always think they do, there is 2 mainly subject they always want to talk about it.
*Money issue:
1st, if he is a single (how he can save money with out the helping of his dad coz he is a man!)
2nd, if he is a married (how can he give a secure life to his wife and his kids!)
*Complaining all the time about the work!
1st, if he is a single (he always want to change his work so he can get more money “ring a bell!”)
2nd, if he is a married (he wish to change it but he can’t coz of his family)
at the end ,
Men know that women are an over-match for them, and therefore they choose the weakest or most ignorant. If they did not think so, they never could be afraid of women knowing as much as themselves.
i hop my english now will satisfy you ;)
Friday, August 05, 2005
goodmorning everyone , today i would like you all to see what is HOT really Mean!
this is my german Car , and it saw that it's 52.5 C it was 11 am kuwait time ! and i was driving , i didnt believe what i've just saw! so i stoped the Car, and i picture it! so that they dont say i am a lier!
the Q is , is the oil under our land making all these boiling issue !
DRINK TO MUCH OF WATER ! or one day we will go with the wind ( metbakhreen)