Saturday, December 31, 2005

countdown! with a new year wish

Happiness deep down within.Serenity with each sunrise.
Success in each facet of your life.
Family beside you.
Close and caring friends.
Health, inside you.
Love that never ends.
Special memories of all the yesterdays.
A bright today with much to be thankful for.
A path that leads to beautiful tomorrows.
Dreams that do their best to come true.
Appreciation of all the wonderful things about you.
*HaPpY BirThDaY Hussa-G*

Friday, December 30, 2005

countdown to 2006

When I first know about something called Internet, and it was back in collage (I don’t want to say when!) I was so interested to learn more, and become more addict to anything called information, but it was waist of time not using these kind of information in our country.
Here we are now , the new way of express our thoughts and information we have ( not to show off – like every one telling me – until I stop talking about this things), but I guess some peoples are just like me , they want to learn a new things everyday.

My plan for the 2006 is: let every one here on the blogs community, to start to talk and even read about something useful in life, with no more than 4 or 5 lines, so we can build a new way of thinking right.

We would like to become a happy soul, and we would like to stop complaining about our daily life, we want to change it and move on with our life.

I guess no one is looking at this point, every one is busy with the chaos of our daily rotten.

Wish you the best

p.s ( Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. )

Thursday, December 29, 2005


I hold my destiny in my own hands,Now I will make
all my own plans.With the
lessons of yesterday
deep in my heart
I have a Brand New Day, for a brand new start.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Pick a bouquet of flowers show someone that you care,Be gracious and forgiving life is never fair.
- someone send me e-mail telling me , why a new year is so important , it's like a day like any otherday , i told him your right ! and it's just a number changing from 2005 to 2006 !
* do you think new year is the same like anyother day?
* why every one just happy that he will come?
* do you think we need to see 1-1-2006 so out plan need to be start or thing of having one?
to a friend! Why you let me think about it! ma a7ebik!
ana gayla many hathra ehneeh wayid, every one is busy and they dont have the time to read any heavy posts! ( AM I RIGHT? )

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


See the beauty in everyone regardless of where they've been , Some have a difficult journey and really need a friend.

Monday, December 26, 2005

count down!

We hear the voice, we see the smile,And deep inside we know That friends remain a part of us Wherever we may go.

Monday, December 19, 2005

local magazine!

Today I went to the library that sell no books :/ ( elmaktaba ) , I didn’t read an Arabic magazine for a long time (only layalena coz my kid was inside it ) , so I said I have to see what is going on inside them, i buy ( سيدتي ) and some Kuwaiti once , I came back home and I start to search about article i can read , first of all , sayedaty is full with Adds and I cant remember what i am searching for m plus the main thing inside it was about :

  1. Make-up
  2. Diet
  3. Furniture
  4. Cooking
  5. full make up faces just got graduated from hightschool!
  6. How to deal with your crazy kids!
  7. pictures of models
  8. And some imported articles about actress all over the world.

NOTHING For The Brain!

Nothing for the inner soul!

Is that it!, then i recognize why I didn’t read these things for a long time.
I guess lately we need something new in our local magazine, the writer’s looks like they are not in this world.
thank Allah because be have the net .

  • what is your favorite magazine?

Sunday, December 18, 2005


Some times in these days it’s hard to find a forgiving heart, when you forgive, you in no way change the past - but you sure do change the future.

I have learned that sometimes "sorry" is not enough. Sometimes you actually have to change.

At one point and time in life, someone will always hurt you, or do something to you, that really messes you up, don't forget about it,it may teach you a lesson, but do forgive that person.

Forgive people because life is short, and you never know when it can end...and nobody deserves to pay for their mistakes for the rest of their life...

The story will never end, so does the pain in your heart.

some times we just need a " stop " with our selves.

The angel InsiDe Me ;)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


What is a friendship?

Friendship isn't always easily described, Instead of different words; however, we're stuck with simple adjectives. Close friend. Best friend. Childhood friend. Intimate friend. Trusted friend. Beloved friend. But whether you use adjectives or different words, few could deny the nearly infinite meaning in such a simple word.

Friends are special* people. We can't pick our family, and we're sorely limited in the number of them at any rate. Society and mores (and often our own conscience) dictate we select a single mate. But our friends can be as diverse and infinite as the adjectives we choose. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life.

*(Extra Nice = special)

what is a Cyber friends ?

As the Internet grows and becomes a part of our lives, it brings with it a unique opportunity to meet people we likely would never have met in any other way. And very often, those people we meet on line will become friends. Sometimes, very close friends.

Love and friendship

Platonic love is very much a part of any close friendship. But such a love doesn't always stay platonic. Sometimes it turns into passionate love. Crossing that line, between friendship and love, can be both beautiful and extremely difficult.

Sometimes in life, you find a special friend. Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop. Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship. When you're down and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows. If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. Your forever friend hold your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete because you need not worry. You have a forever friend, and forever has no end.

Why In kuwait , we are not allowed to have a male friend?
What if I Only find my perfect friend from another sex ?
Why we should stick with the rules of beeing afraied that something will happend between a woman and a man ?

you just never know who will be your friend,unless you see something missing in you and he is completing it .

why do we call it in kuwaiti ( 3eeeb ) if someone got a friend from another sex?

Why should we always think bad toward the 2 human and we neglected the soul ?

why do always sex have to be involve in all this ?

i know i am complaining alot , but i have a couple of true friends that i cant have them in my real life , and this well lead me in a deep pain :(

why? because i am married and i am kuwaiti woman , it's not allowed to have male friend .

a dedication i got from a true friend :)

What pretty eyes you have,Under those two eyebrows.Under those two eyebrows,What pretty eyes you have.They want me to lookBut if you don’t leave themBut if you don’t leave themNot even to flash…Rose leaves of MálagaTo kiss your wanted lipsTo kiss your wanted lipsRose leaves of MálagaAnd telling you, beautiful girl…That you are pretty and magical,That you are pretty and magical,As the innocence of a rose.If in poverty you despise me,I give you truth.I give you truth,If in poverty you despise me.I do not offer you wealth (riches)I offer you my heart.I offer you my heartIn exchange for my poverty.Rose leaves of MálagaTo kiss your wanted lipsTo kiss your wanted lipsRose leaves of MálagaAnd telling you, beautiful girl…That you are pretty and magicalThat you are pretty and magicalAs the innocence of a roseAnd telling you, beautiful girl.

Dedicated to the sweetest dream that came true. :*
Thanks for the Dedication :)

Friday, December 09, 2005

EQ Test

Have a try everybody!

it's easy 1 mint or less Test , but really interesting how they show you your self that way !

EQ Test

i got 40 !
and this is the analysis of it !

You have slightly above average EQ - with room to grow! You are likely sensitive to the emotional climate of the people around you .

it's really true :(

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

emotional intelligence

What is emotional intelligence?

We define emotional intelligence as knowing yourself, choosing yourself, and giving yourself. This model is intended to help you increase EQ to get optimal results from your relationships with yourself and others. The formal, scientific, definition of emotional intelligence comes from Dr. Peter Salovey and Dr. John Mayer who say emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, use, understand, and manage emotions.

How do I use it?

You can increase your emotional intelligence by practicing being more aware, by being more conscious of your choices, and by deliberately blending your thinking plus feeling to generate better decisions.
Being "emotionally intelligent" doesn't mean "being nice," it means consciously and carefully processing and using emotional information and emotional energy. The moment you begin to value emotions as a source of information and energy, you will begin to get more positive results in your relationship with yourself and others. Everyone has emotional intelligence -- you have the chance to increase yours!

Why should I?

It's not a question of should -- it's a question of want. Are you completely satisfied with your relationship with yourself and others? If not, develop the "muscles" that govern those relationships. If you want more joy and satisfaction in your life, develop the awareness that let's you gain those. The research is increasingly clear: EQ skills improve physical and emotional health, communication, academic performance, leadership, teamwork, and more. Because these are foundational skills (ie., at the root of many of our daily interactions) EQ makes a lot of difference!

if you need it in arabic here is it !

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

New friend on the Blog!

Hello friends!

well he is a new friend is comeing to You! pleas check on her blog and give her a comment!

Sunday, December 04, 2005


تقدم رجل لشركة مايكروسوفت للعمل بوظيفة - فراش - ،
وبعد إجراء المقابلة والاختبار (تنظيف أرضية المكتب) ، أخبره مدير التوظيف بأنة قد تمت الموافقة عليه وسيتم إرسال قائمة بالمهام وتاريخ المباشرة في العمل عبر البريد الإلكتروني.
أجاب الرجل: ولكنني لا املك جهاز كمبيوتر ولا املك بريد إلكتروني!!!
رد عليه المدير (باستغراب): من لا يملك بريد إلكتروني فهو غير موجود أصلا ، ومن لا وجود له فلا يحق له العمل ! خرج الرجل وهو فاقد الأمل في الحصول على وظيفة ، فكر كثيراً ماذا عساه أن يعمل وهو لا يملك سوى 10 دولارات.
بعد تفكير عميق ذهب الرجل إلى محل الخضار وقام بشراء صندوق من الطماطم ثم اخذ يتنقل في الأحياء السكنية ويمر على المنازل ويبيع
حبات الطماطم . نجح في مضاعفة رأس المال وكرر نفس العملية ثلاث مرات إلى أن عاد إلى منزلة في نفس اليوم وهو يحمل 60 دولار . أدرك الرجل بان يمكنه العيش بهذه الطريقة فاخذ يقوم بنفس العمل يوميا يخرج في الصباح الباكر ويرجع ليلا
.أرباح الرجل بدأت تتضاعف فقام بشراء عربة ثم شاحنة حتى اصبح لدية أسطول من الشاحنات لتوصيل الطلبات للزبائن. بعد خمس
سنوات اصبح الرجل من كبار الموردين للأغذية في الولايات المتحدة
ولضمان مستقبل أسرته فكر الرجل في شراء بوليصة تامين على الحياة فاتصل بأكبر شركات التامين ،
وبعد مفاوضات استقر رأيه على بوليصة تناسبه ، فطلب منه موظف شركة التامين أن يعطيه بريده الإلكتروني!
! أجاب الرجل: ولكنني لا املك بريد إلكتروني!!!! رد عليه الموظف (باستغراب): لا تملك بريداً إلكترونيا ونجحت ببناء هذه الإمبراطورية الضخمة!! تخيل لو أن لديك بريداً إلكترونيا! فأين ستكون اليوم؟؟؟
أجاب الرجل بعد تفكير : فراش في مايكروسوفت
an e-mail i got