Sunday, December 18, 2005


Some times in these days it’s hard to find a forgiving heart, when you forgive, you in no way change the past - but you sure do change the future.

I have learned that sometimes "sorry" is not enough. Sometimes you actually have to change.

At one point and time in life, someone will always hurt you, or do something to you, that really messes you up, don't forget about it,it may teach you a lesson, but do forgive that person.

Forgive people because life is short, and you never know when it can end...and nobody deserves to pay for their mistakes for the rest of their life...

The story will never end, so does the pain in your heart.

some times we just need a " stop " with our selves.

The angel InsiDe Me ;)


Hussa-G said...

Its hard to forgive the people who hurt you. But sometime you just delete them from you life. I don't know if that’s healthy but its how I deal with them. I give them chance and if they blow it all then they don't have a place in my heart and my life. I just move on.
Great Topic Rum Rum, made me think of alot of things.

Anonymous said...

as the q8is say "sorry? wain asrefha?" its true that a simple sorry wont be enough..actions speak louder than words.

unfortunately for a once chance kind of guy :/

AL-3ANAN said...

when u forgive u must forget the hurt if u didnt so u will not be able 2 forgive... and sometimes its so difficult 2 forget the hurt...

Q80-ChillGirl said...


Forgive but Don't forget.. Most times you can not forget a9ln but at least be *as u said* an angel & forgive!